This production started as an exploration of the bicycle as every child’s first taste at flight and freedom. We ended up with a profoundly human look at what it takes to survive a precarious sport and the hardest race in the world, when the world itself was falling apart.
In July 2020, the Tour de France’s organizer, ASO, told our documentary team that we would not be welcome at that year’s Tour. When this polite, yet firm directive was delivered over Zoom, we had been in production for over six months with the team.
So many of 2020’s plans had become casualties of Covid. We refused for our project to be one of them. We embedded a nimble camerawoman (responsible for image, sound, and production) with JV’s team, capturing an insider view of the riders and staff during all 23 days of the 2020 Tour de France. A second team managed production and documented the race, the fans, and the fanfare from the ground, traveling the length and breadth of France.